Ибица - Огни 3. Ibiza Lights III. Time-Lapse.

Главные герои этого покадрового видео (Time-Lapse) - закаты на острове Ибица и впечатляющее звездное небо.
Это видео последнее в серии "Ибица - Огни" (Ibiza Lights), как и в предыдущих работах, автор показывает остров со стороны, с которой, как правило, его не показывают.
Все изображения были сделаны с помощью Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 5D Mark III и Canon 16-35mm, Canon 24-70mm , Nikon 14 - 24mm. Большинство ночных снимков были сняты с диафрагмой F/2.8 и ISO 1600, 3200.

The breathtaken sunsets of the island of Ibiza and its spectacular star-filled sky with Milky Way are some of the main characters of my new video Ibiza Lights III.
Ibiza Lights III is the last video in the Ibiza Lights series and, as in previous works, my intention remains the same: to show Ibiza from a point of view that is usually not shown.
It’s been an excellent year for me, full of trips to new places, opportunities and experiencies that have given me the chance to meet great timelapse photographers like Dustin Farrel, Enrique Pacheco or Daniel López.
Thanks to my previous video, Ibiza Lights II, I’ve seen my work recognized and that has given me the strength to continue creating new timelapse videos.
All images were made using a Canon 5D Mark II, a Canon 5D Mark III and Canon 16-35mm, Canon 24-70mm, Nikon 14-24mm lens. Most of night shots were taken with the aperture F/2.8 and ISO 1600, 3200.
The camera movement was achieved using a great tool: the Dynamic Perception slider.
I have used the iPhone app PhotoPills to plan the shots and sunsets, and also to predict the Sun&Moon paths using its augmented reality viewers.
I also employed LrTimpelapse software to compensate exposure in sunrise and sunset shots.
If you would like to license any of my clips or hire me to shoot timelapse for you, please be in touch.
Thanks to:
Photopills: photopills.com
Alda Ólafsson caladeloshumos.wordpress.com
Isleña: thebeerofibiza.com
LrTimelapse: lrtimelapse.com
DynamicPerception: dynamicperception.com

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Автор: Jose A. Hervas


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